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โปเกมอน พร้อมท่า และทีม ลงลุย The Kanto Cup


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The Kanto Cup ( Cp 1500) ใช้โปเกมอนในเจนที่ 1 หมายเลข 001-151  ด้านล่างเป็นรายชื่อโปเกมอนพร้อม ท่าที่ควรใช้ ในการเปิดท่า ที่  2  ขึ้นอยู่กับความจำเป็นเนื่องจากบางตัว เปิดท่าที่ 2 ใช้ สตาร์ดัสเยอะ มาก   การเปิดให้ไปดูที่โปเกมอนตัวที่เาจะใช้งาน  แล้วกด ตรง New Attack  


---ท่าบางท่าเป็นท่าพิเศษ  ต้องใช้  Elite TM   หรือต้องรอกิจกรรม

 ส่วนตารางเปรียบเทียบชื่อท่า  ภาษาไทยและอังกฤษ  ดูที่

 สามารถค้นหาโปเกมอนที่ต้องการ  ได้จากช่อง และสามารถจัดเรียงได้โดยกดที่หัวตาราง หากไม่เห็นท่าชาร์จ ให้แตะเลือนไปทางซ้าย

sตะแนนท่าเร็วท่าชาร์จ 1ท่าชาร์จ 2
Chansey95.9PoundPsychicHyper Beam
Nidoqueen92.2Poison JabPoison FangEarth Power
Lickitung91LickBody SlamPower Whip
Nidoqueen (Shadow)89.7Poison JabPoison FangEarth Power
Lapras88.9Ice ShardSurfSkull Bash
Ninetales (Shadow)88.6Fire SpinWeather Ball (Fire)Overheat
Beedrill88.2Poison JabDrill RunX-Scissor
Hypno88.1ConfusionThunder PunchShadow Ball
Beedrill (Shadow)88Poison JabDrill RunX-Scissor
Pidgeot88GustFeather DanceBrave Bird
Muk (Alolan)87.9Poison JabAcid SprayDark Pulse
Grimer (Alolan)87.5Poison JabCrunchSludge Bomb
Ninetales87.5Fire SpinWeather Ball (Fire)Overheat
Sandslash (Alolan)87.3Powder SnowIce PunchBulldoze
Dewgong85.4Ice ShardIcy WindWater Pulse
Snorlax85LickBody SlamSuperpower
Golbat (Shadow)84.6Wing AttackPoison FangShadow Ball
Golbat84.3Wing AttackPoison FangShadow Ball
Snorlax (Shadow)84.1LickBody SlamSuperpower
Dragonair84Dragon BreathAqua TailDragon Pulse
Sandshrew (Alolan)83.8Powder SnowNight SlashBlizzard
Graveler (Alolan)83Volt SwitchRock BlastStone Edge
Muk82.9Poison JabDark PulseThunder Punch
Dragonair (Shadow)82.6Dragon BreathAqua TailDragon Pulse
Marowak (Alolan)82.3Fire SpinShadow BoneBone Club
Mew82.3Shadow ClawSurfWild Charge
Machamp (Shadow)82.1CounterCross ChopRock Slide
Raticate (Alolan)81.9Quick AttackCrunchHyper Fang
Lapras (Shadow)81.8Ice ShardSurfSkull Bash
Golem (Alolan)81.7Volt SwitchRock BlastStone Edge
Machamp81.7CounterCross ChopRock Slide
Blastoise81.6Water GunHydro CannonSkull Bash
Omastar (Shadow)81.5Mud ShotRock SlideHydro Pump
Venusaur81.5Vine WhipFrenzy PlantSludge Bomb
Mewtwo (Shadow)81.3Psycho CutPsystrikeShadow Ball
Ninetales (Alolan)81.2Powder SnowWeather Ball (Ice)Dazzling Gleam
Articuno81Ice ShardIcy WindHurricane
Seaking81Poison JabDrill RunIcy Wind
Dragonite (Shadow)80.7Dragon TailDragon ClawHurricane
Charizard80.6Fire SpinBlast BurnDragon Claw
Magneton (Shadow)80.3Thunder ShockMagnet BombDischarge
Muk (Shadow)80.2Poison JabDark PulseThunder Punch
Poliwhirl (Shadow)80.1Mud ShotScaldMud Bomb
Gengar80Shadow ClawShadow PunchSludge Bomb
Nidorina80Poison StingPoison FangSludge Bomb
Zapdos80Thunder ShockDrill PeckThunderbolt
Blastoise (Shadow)79.9Water GunHydro CannonSkull Bash
Tentacruel79.5Poison JabAcid SprayHydro Pump
Gyarados (Shadow)79.3Dragon BreathAqua TailCrunch
Grimer (Shadow)79.1Poison JabMud BombSludge Bomb
Nidorina (Shadow)79.1Poison StingPoison FangSludge Bomb
Venusaur (Shadow)79.1Vine WhipFrenzy PlantSludge Bomb
Dugtrio79Mud ShotMud BombStone Edge
Wigglytuff79CharmIce BeamPlay Rough
Raichu78.8Volt SwitchWild ChargeThunder Punch
Haunter78.6Shadow ClawShadow PunchSludge Bomb
Vaporeon78.6Water GunAqua TailLast Resort
Zapdos (Shadow)78.6Thunder ShockDrill PeckThunderbolt
Charizard (Shadow)78.5Dragon BreathBlast BurnDragon Claw
Gyarados78.5Dragon BreathAqua TailCrunch
Poliwhirl78.5Mud ShotMud BombReturn
Hypno (Shadow)78.4ConfusionThunder PunchIce Punch
Pinsir (Shadow)78.3Fury CutterClose CombatX-Scissor
Raichu (Alolan)78.3Volt SwitchThunder PunchWild Charge
Grimer78.1Poison JabMud BombSludge Bomb
Graveler78Mud ShotRock SlideRock Blast
Magneton78Thunder ShockMagnet BombDischarge
Dragonite77.9Dragon BreathDragon ClawHurricane
Clefable77.6CharmMeteor MashMoonblast
Magnemite77.4Thunder ShockMagnet BombDischarge
Magnemite (Shadow)76.8Thunder ShockMagnet BombDischarge
Marowak (Shadow)76.8Mud SlapBone ClubEarthquake
Marowak76.7Mud SlapBone ClubEarthquake
Omastar76.6Mud ShotRock SlideHydro Pump
Poliwrath (Shadow)76.1Mud ShotDynamic PunchIce Punch
Primeape75.9CounterIce PunchNight Slash
Articuno (Shadow)75.7Ice ShardIcy WindHurricane
Hitmonchan (Shadow)75.7CounterIce PunchThunder Punch
Nidorino (Shadow)75.5Poison JabSludge BombHorn Attack
Ivysaur75.3Vine WhipPower WhipSludge Bomb
Hitmonchan75CounterIce PunchThunder Punch
Machoke (Shadow)74.8Karate ChopCross ChopDynamic Punch
Electrode74.7Volt SwitchDischargeFoul Play
Golduck74.7Water GunCross ChopSynchronoise
Gloom (Shadow)74.4Razor LeafSludge BombPetal Blizzard
Poliwrath74.4Mud ShotDynamic PunchIce Punch
Moltres (Shadow)74.3Wing AttackSky AttackOverheat
Venomoth74.3ConfusionPoison FangPsychic
Venomoth (Shadow)74.1ConfusionPoison FangPsychic
Growlithe (Shadow)73.8EmberBody SlamFlamethrower
Ivysaur (Shadow)73.7Vine WhipPower WhipSludge Bomb
Kangaskhan73.6Mud SlapPower-Up PunchCrunch
Slowbro (Galarian)73.6Poison JabPsychicSludge Bomb
Nidorino73.5Poison JabSludge BombHorn Attack
Pinsir73.5Fury CutterClose CombatX-Scissor
Kabutops73.3Mud ShotStone EdgeAncient Power
Victreebel (Shadow)72.9Razor LeafLeaf BladeAcid Spray
Rapidash72.8IncinerateDrill RunFlame Charge
Slowpoke (Galarian)72.8ConfusionPsyshockSurf
Persian (Alolan)72.7Feint AttackFoul PlayDark Pulse
Vileplume (Shadow)72.6Razor LeafSludge BombPetal Blizzard
Farfetch'd72.5Fury CutterLeaf BladeAerial Ace
Kingler72.5Mud ShotCrabhammerX-Scissor
Machoke72.4Karate ChopCross ChopReturn
Arcanine72.3SnarlWild ChargeCrunch
Geodude (Alolan)72.1Volt SwitchRock SlideThunderbolt
Aerodactyl (Shadow)71.9Rock ThrowRock SlideEarth Power
Alakazam (Shadow)71.9Psycho CutFire PunchShadow Ball
Omanyte (Shadow)71.9Mud ShotRock BlastBrine
Gloom71.7Razor LeafSludge BombPetal Blizzard
Porygon71.7Quick AttackDischargeReturn
Arcanine (Shadow)71.6SnarlWild ChargeCrunch
Cloyster71.5Ice ShardAvalancheHydro Pump
Moltres71.4Wing AttackSky AttackOverheat
Electabuzz71.2Thunder ShockThunder PunchReturn
Onix71.2Rock ThrowRock SlideStone Edge
Persian71.1Feint AttackNight SlashReturn
Charmeleon (Shadow)71EmberFire PunchFlamethrower
Farfetch'd (Galarian)71Fury CutterLeaf BladeBrave Bird
Victreebel71Razor LeafLeaf BladeAcid Spray
Dugtrio (Shadow)70.7Mud SlapMud BombStone Edge
Nidoking70.7Poison JabEarth PowerMegahorn
Vileplume70.7Razor LeafSludge BombPetal Blizzard
Dugtrio (Alolan)70.5Mud SlapMud BombEarthquake
Rhyhorn70.5Mud SlapStompBulldoze
Slowpoke (Shadow)70.5ConfusionPsyshockPsychic
Golduck (Shadow)70.4ConfusionCross ChopSynchronoise
Electabuzz (Shadow)70.2Thunder ShockThunder PunchThunderbolt
Charmeleon70.1EmberFire PunchReturn
Golem70.1Mud ShotStone EdgeEarthquake
Rhydon70Mud SlapStone EdgeSurf
Slowbro70ConfusionPsychicIce Beam
Wartortle70Water GunIce BeamHydro Pump
Slowbro (Shadow)69.7ConfusionPsychicIce Beam
Magmar (Shadow)69.6EmberFire PunchFlamethrower
Oddish (Shadow)69Razor LeafSeed BombSludge Bomb
Aerodactyl68.9Rock ThrowRock SlideEarth Power
Growlithe68.9EmberBody SlamFlamethrower
Persian (Shadow)68.9Feint AttackNight SlashPower Gem
Alakazam68.7Psycho CutFire PunchShadow Ball
Wartortle (Shadow)68.4Water GunIce BeamHydro Pump
Cloyster (Shadow)68.3Ice ShardAvalancheHydro Pump
Omanyte68.3Mud ShotRock BlastBrine
Sandslash68.3Mud ShotEarthquakeBulldoze
Machop67.8Karate ChopCross ChopReturn
Ponyta67.8EmberFlame ChargeStomp
Rapidash (Galarian)67.7Psycho CutBody SlamPlay Rough
Oddish67.6Razor LeafSeed BombSludge Bomb
Exeggutor (Alolan)67.4Dragon TailSeed BombDragon Pulse
Mr. Mime (Galarian)67.1ConfusionIce PunchPsychic
Tangela66.6Vine WhipGrass KnotSludge Bomb
Geodude66.5Rock ThrowRock SlideDig
Jolteon66.5Volt SwitchDischargeLast Resort
Magmar66.4EmberFire PunchReturn
Sandshrew (Shadow)66.4Mud ShotRock SlideSand Tomb
Weepinbell (Shadow)66.3Bullet SeedPower WhipSeed Bomb
Nidoking (Shadow)66.1Poison JabEarth PowerMegahorn
Arbok65.9Dragon TailDark PulseSludge Wave
Machop (Shadow)65.3Karate ChopCross ChopBrick Break
Exeggutor (Shadow)65.2ConfusionPsychicSeed Bomb
Exeggcute65ConfusionSeed BombPsychic
Flareon65Fire SpinSuperpowerFlamethrower
Parasect64.6Fury CutterCross PoisonX-Scissor
Sandshrew64.6Mud ShotRock SlideSand Tomb
Tangela (Shadow)64.5Vine WhipGrass KnotSludge Bomb
Weepinbell64.4Bullet SeedPower WhipSeed Bomb
Scyther (Shadow)64.3Fury CutterNight SlashX-Scissor
Bulbasaur64Vine WhipPower WhipSeed Bomb
Cubone (Shadow)63.9Mud SlapBone ClubBulldoze
Exeggcute (Shadow)63.9ConfusionSeed BombPsychic
Raticate63.9Quick AttackHyper FangReturn
Dodrio63.8Feint AttackBrave BirdDrill Peck
Weezing63.7InfestationSludge BombDark Pulse
Exeggutor63.5ConfusionPsychicSeed Bomb
Weezing (Shadow)63.2InfestationSludge BombDark Pulse
Cubone63.1Mud SlapBone ClubReturn
Fearow63PeckSky AttackDrill Run
Bulbasaur (Shadow)62.9Vine WhipPower WhipSeed Bomb
Sandslash (Shadow)62.9Mud ShotEarthquakeBulldoze
Scyther62.2Fury CutterNight SlashX-Scissor
Eevee62Quick AttackBody SlamLast Resort
Arbok (Shadow)61.5Dragon TailDark PulseSludge Wave
Seel61.5Water GunAqua TailIcy Wind
Mr. Mime61.4ConfusionPsychicShadow Ball
Drowzee (Shadow)60.8ConfusionPsyshockPsychic
Pidgeotto60.6Wing AttackAerial AceTwister
Goldeen60.2Mud ShotAqua TailHorn Attack
Kabuto58.7Mud ShotAncient PowerAqua Jet
Butterfree57.5ConfusionPsychicSignal Beam
Seadra55.8Dragon BreathHydro PumpReturn
Seadra (Shadow)55.8Dragon BreathHydro PumpDragon Pulse
Tentacool55.7BubbleWrapBubble Beam
Raticate (Shadow)55.5Quick AttackHyper FangDig
Porygon (Shadow)55.2Hidden Power (Ground)DischargeHyper Beam
Starmie55.2Water GunPsychicIce Beam
Koffing54.8InfestationDark PulseSludge Bomb
Krabby53.4BubbleVise GripBubble Beam
Koffing (Shadow)52.8InfestationDark PulseSludge Bomb
Tauros51.3TackleHorn AttackEarthquake
Weezing (Galarian)51TackleSludgeOverheat
Ponyta (Galarian)49.1Psycho CutPsybeamPlay Rough
Hitmonlee (Shadow)43.6Rock SmashClose CombatStone Edge
Clefairy42.8Zen HeadbuttBody SlamDisarming Voice



 ทีมที่ 1

NidoqueenNidoqueen Poison Jab
  1. Poison Fang
  2.  Earth Power
LaprasLapras Ice Shard* 
  1. Surf
  2. Skull Bash



  1. Feather Dance
  2. Brave Bird
Marowak (Alola)Marowak (Alola)
Fire Spin
Shadow Bone + Bone Club
Thunder Punch + Shadow Ball
Body Slam + Superpower
Marowak (Alola)Marowak (Alola)
Fire Spin
Shadow Bone + Bone Club
Thunder Punch + Shadow Ball
Ice Beam + Play Rough
Ice Shard
Icy Wind + Water Pulse
Thunder Punch + Shadow Ball
Body Slam + Superpower
Muk (Alola)Muk (Alola)
Dark Pulse + Sludge Wave

Cross Chop  + Rock Slide

Marowak (Alola)Marowak (Alola)
Fire Spin
Shadow Bone + Bone Club
Marowak (Alola)Marowak (Alola)
Fire Spin
Shadow Bone + Bone Club
Ice Shard
Surf + Skull Bash
Ice Beam + Play Rough
Thunder Punch + Shadow Ball

Dragon Breath
Aqua Tail + Dragon Pulse

Ice Punch+Thunder Punch
Body Slam + Superpower
Thunder Shock
Drill Peck + Thunderbolt
Ice Shard
Icy Wind + Water Pulse
Ice Shard
Icy Wind + Water Pulse
Razor Leaf
Sludge Bomb + Petal Blizzard
Brave Bird + Aerial Ace
Ice Shard
Surf + Skull Bash
  Victreebel (shadow) Victreebel (shadow)
Razor Leaf
Leaf Blade + Acid Spray
 Marowak (Alola)Marowak (Alola)
Fire Spin
Shadow Bone + Bone Club
Thunder Punch + Shadow Ball
Close Combat + Night Slash
Shadow Claw
Shadow Ball + Shadow Punch

 การจัด โปเกมอน ทีมลง The Kanto Cup ( Cp 1500) ใช้โปเกมอนในเจนที่ 1 หมายเลข 001-151 เป็นเพียงตัวอย่างเท่านั้น   อาจจัดได้หลากหลายกว่านี้


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